I missed blogging on the official 6-month anniversary of my retina surgery, mainly because it came and went last week without much thought. Today, however, I had a follow up appointment with my retina surgeon. I was anxious all day, worrying about the worst, but as it turned out, the news was very, very good!
In short, my retina has healed so well that I NEVER (really, that's what my doc said) have to come back to see him. Obviously, if I have any new symptoms or signs of another detachment, etc., I am to call him immediately, but this incident is basically behind me. My retina is still attached, and the comparative scans between my left (post-detachment) eye versus my right ("good" eye) are almost indistinguishable. That means my retina has, for the most part, healed back to normal.
Now, if I could just get rid of this cataract... That's next, but I don't plan to do it for several months still. I am optimistic, however, that once the cataract is removed, the vision in my left eye will improve dramatically. Until then, it remains only partially useful. It's good for big objects, light, etc., but I can hardly read anything with it unless I squint.
Structurally though, my eye is healthy. My pressure is super normal. My vision is stable, neither improving nor degrading. There is some permanent damage to my lower peripheral vision, but my central vision and my left-right peripheral vision is in pretty good shape - or will be post-cataract removal. I feel pretty confident that the worst is behind me. I can't believe this started over six months ago, but all things considered, I am pretty relieved today. I don't know what or who to credit, but I am thankful for the love and support of my family and friends, the skill and swift action of my doctors, and the mercy of God for answering so very many prayers that were said by me and so many others for me. My gratitude is overwhelming.